Feb 4, 2012

Prevenge / Dig It Up - Prevenge / Dig It Up

Are you in a hurry ? Then, you can stop reading now and start downloading this release, legally and for free, straight from the label, Juiceboxdotcom.com. But this release is available by other means, by the way. You can also stream/download it for free, or buy it on 7" vinyl, trough Pavones Record's Bandcamp.

This release is open-licensed. You can make copies for your friends.

Is anybody here ? I mean, is anybody here ? And, among these anybody, does someone remember The Sainte Catherines ? This Canadian rock band was simply one of the best from the mid-2000. I saw them live once, and I have been, simply, touching what I would call the pure essence of rock n' roll.

Just saying that, because, there's is former members from this project in Dig It Up. If I remember correctly. I wouldn't want the people who recorded this awesome split to be angry, like if, say, actually the Sainte Catherines members were in Prevenge, yeah. So then I will check, right now.

Yes, I was right. According to ThePunkSite, the former Sainte Catherines members can now be found in Dig It Up.

Or maybe is it only one member ? The semantic does not allow me to determine this important point.

But, hey, wait, I'm getting far from the topic of this review, which is the split EP that was issued by these two bands in 2011.

Because, this is a good EP. More than is, this is a really good EP. A bit short, but better things in life are short, right ? You may be tired of seeing all theses ads on the internet, that may, depending on your profile, suggest you to register on a site that will allow you to date a doctor, or to sell you whatever they think is good for you. I got the cure. Download and listen to this EP. Then, you'll realise that there's still good-willing people on earth, like the ones who worked hard to have this release made available for your listening pleasure.

Just because, whoever you are, whatever your taste is, you shouldn't miss this release, which is a better way to feel good than any legal or illegal substance you may think of, than any service, good or even identity they desperately want you to buy. Just because there's such a sense of energy packed in it, that it is, definitively, a must have.

What are you still doing here ? There's a brand new planet of sound waiting for you !

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