Feb 20, 2012

Live demoscene-related music show, Paris, Feb 24, 2012

On Friday, February 24 from the great year 2012, the equally great demo group PoPsY TeAm will be running an event. It will start with a demoshow, then continue with three live music shows - demoscene-related, so mainly electronic and chiptune or chiptune influenced.

The following music projects are expected to play :

8PM-10PM : Moonove + guests. Guests are alkama & knos/kaneel
10PM-11PM : Spintronic
23PM-12AM : Ultrasyd

You can find more information on the official PoPsY TeAm site, but I can add that the show will take place on a boat on the Seine, which is named batofar, which has a warmed sân. The price for food (yes, there will be food before the music plays) and drinks is pretty much low, or at least average, considering what is used to be paid for such things in Paris' pubs and clubs.

The price for being there is 0. Yes, this is free. The event is named "Demo In Paris Live", nice name ain't it ?

Sorry for people reading the paper/ebook edition of Underketing, when the next issue will reach the shores, the event is over. Nevertheless you can still start looking for some music from Moonove, Spintronic and Ultrasyd.

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