Dec 30, 2012

Top (insert a rude word here) sounds for 2012, according to the infamous Underketing cooking recipes blog

Ok, ladies and gentlemen, and also all our little tots not able to read this,

I just landed on a list of lists, put online, and this is great. Which caused my brain to work a bit, for once, and I decided to put a list online.

In order to promote myself, for my intention you can be sure (I'm kidding, here).

Here's the

Top (insert a rude word here) sounds for 2012, according to the infamous Underketing cooking recipes blog

  1. The award of the Sound of the year belongs to Desperadow for the album "I Found God". I won't go check when it was issued, I don't care, this is my year, this is my list. Just checked, it was released in summer 2010. Desperadow is an Irish one-man-band that released this gem through DIY label Long Lost Records. 
  2. The number 2 is for this band named The #1s for the song "I Wish I Was Lonely" found through the third issue of Popical Island eponymous compilations. 
  3. The number 3 is for Matmix's cover of a Gorbie's Stuff song, "Somethin". Just because, you know,
    When I was young
    I was in a band
    We didn't care
    About the fame
  4. Then, the fourth goes to Panda Kid for their recorded-in-a-cellar great achievement that can be spotted in their song Icecream. Italian band. 
  5. And the men is five... And Ich habe ein Fünf for Fukked Up, German grunge band singing in English, for the track "Life Goes On" on their 2012 release "Everything Is Fine". 
  6. The sixth is for No Monster Club, they deserve to be the first, but I don't want you to think that this blog is just a mean to promote my favorite band, do I ? For the "La La Land" tune. 
  7. And to put a definitive end to any list in History, I would like to say that seven is "Stop Stop" by The Black Keys

Dec 29, 2012

Lie Ins - Death To Lie Ins

Hi, hi,

Ok, I'm not gonzo, but when the first notes traveled trough the atmosphere to my brain, I knew I had to do something somehow different, for once, as of per usual.

Yeah, cause, Popical Island Irish band collective was kind enough to give me means to listen to a release planned for... February. Well, OK, February 2nd, but, ain't it fun, it's February nevertheless.

Ok, just as I'm quick when typing, the songs are shorts. The first one is already finished and the second one is now on, it's somehow sounding (for a dull boy like me) sort of... Oh, no, it's already over.

Mmm. For now, this is plain excellent stuff. Exactly what I like the best in the contemporary underground quality music mafia, for which Ireland is sort of epicenter.

Ok, third song going on. Still very well-made pop, with pure rock'n'roll spirit, cheesy like hell, and it's f*cki*g awesome. In a definitive post-post-modern way, well, oh, Lord, I like this sound.

You like alikes ? Panda Kid, maybe ? Think less fuzz but same spirit. Obsession for golden age in the most insignificant aspects, definitively something I admire,  and oh, we got a problem, here's a grunge-influenced pogo-inducing pop-song, well, Pixies meet No Monster Club meeting Pixies, ooops, I should shut my big mouth now.

I strike again.

Yeah, well, nice production. The one for such drums. Oh, No Monster Club-esque lalalala choirs. End of song on an analog noise.

I Hide My Love In Evening Time. Pumping up the volume. Seems Ronald & Sylma are onboard. Well, I guess this band is not outside where it belongs.

Oh yeah, Thunders and The Heartbreakers playing some pop. Hmm, I more and more think we have something somehow serious in the way this band is inducing fun inside the paper of the one who heroically took the decision. The review writing decision.

Mmm, a guitar solo would kill me now. I guess there won't be one.

Awkward. Funny. Beyond words. Not for me. Beyond my usual words, I must admit.

Wow. Wow. Wowowow. "So nice", the song just said. And my heart broke. Once more. Quite usual when I listen to such good music. Which happens all the time, hey, read this blog, I listen exclusively to excellent music. No, I am not megalomaniac. You, are short minded.

Ok, not kidding anymore. Word.

Oh yeah, come on guitar hero. Now I'm talking from beyond grave.

I shall abide until
I am spoken for
If it be your will

To sum up... Yeah, I can sum up now, since I said I'm buried now, and since, as for many dead people, I cannot talk.

To sum up then... Now that the last song of the release is about to end...

This band is eclectic. Mostly fast rock'n'roll with an honest and direct poppy sound, also emotional tracks. Greatly driven, the way it's performed, the way it's recorded, the way it's, last but not least, written and composed. I couldn't have got a better release to put an end to the 2012 year here. The year reviews started to be available here on Underketing. Just in case you hadn't noticed, were only reviewed here the best bits of music currently available, just sayin'

And now for something completely different

DIY Packaging manufacturing process (courtesy of Popical Island)

You can download for free here... After Feb, 2 of the expected as great year 2013 : ; and you may be able to pre-order the CD shortly, still there, too. For now there nothing to see on this page. Put a note on any day of your calendar saying "Go Check Lie Ins Or Buy Another Dog".

Dec 22, 2012

Where is Underketing now ? is no longer reachable, no longer online, currently returns/display an ERROR page.

Because Undeketing shall and will no longer pay for its own domain name. This, mean the new address of the blog is

Thank you for what you can guess about why I wrote Thank You.

Oct 30, 2012

First Me In The Bath "real" live album finally released

[UPDATE december 2012 : The album is now free download, on audio section (bizarre navigation tools on this site warning applies) ; the link featured in this post never worked, sorry]

Okay, okay,

When I started this webzine, obviously, I knew that I would not review my own music in the "reviews" section. Instead of that, there's a "Your own recordings" session in which any band can speak about any of their releases, and I posted there from time to time to tell about albums I issued that I liked.

But, by a strange side effect, I almost never post news about my own projects here. Which is a shame, since, you know this if you read some of my reviews, my taste is just perfect and so is my music. Ahem, at least, for me.

So then, I'm proud to announce that the live recording from Me In The Bath's 2012 live concert in Janneyrias is now available in a pay-to-download manner straight from the Slcnc Music record label. The price is 0.7€ per track, and also, you can stream it for free in its entirety.

News from afmusic

Hey !

Once again I received the afmusic label newsletter, and once again it was great... But this time, this is even greater than that !

First off, their excellent March compilation, after going sold-out in its physical form, is now available for free download. If you still haven't listened to it, now you can also download it for free, and, well, it is excellent.

Then, oh wait oh wait, The Nightchild is back with a new release, that you can download from the label website real soon now, and if you subscribed to the newsletter, you can already do so, just like I am doing currently.

Another download that is now running on my desktop is from another band that I never heard about, but I liked the title of their album... It has been issued on CD, is now sold-out, and available for free in digital from. It's Aeon Sable's debut release : "Per Aspera Ad Astra".

And this, is only a small sample about what's new with afmusic, a label that is, definitively, the kind of label you can trust for releasing excellent music and for doing the job seriously.

Oct 10, 2012

Nique Dindon Caramel Bonbon strikes back

Roughly seven years after the band's split, happened what many, many people has been waiting for long, with much hope : Nique Dindon Caramel Bonbon is currently, finally, publishing some songs.

Yes, yes, until now their music only traveled onto antiquated MiniDisc format, among band members exclusively. But now these days are over, and the audience at large, from the hardcore fans to the total newbies, is now given an opportunity to get its hand on their recordings.

Nique Dindon Caramel Bonbon saga has been short, intense, historic. Maybe the greatest saga of all time, and even Gil Gamesh would agree, I think. They achieved a total and definitive shift for history of music. Beyond this, history of culture. Beyond this, history of mankind.

During about two or three years of noise and fury, Ism (bass and voice), Mika (guitar and vox) and Yo (drums) just wiped out everyone. I was lucky enough to be among the crowd for several of their gigs. When I pushed the "play" button on my computer's screen, I've been instantly taken back to atemporal fields, in the land of eternity, in the land of the essence of music.

Being raw, straightforward, while extremely subtle, being as innovative as strongly rooted into the greatest rock influences, this power trio changed the world forever. It's a slow and sure move, it's only the beginning. Over years, you'll hear about them, more and more often, you can be sure. I don't know how much time it will take but someday, this band will simply be over the top.

They operated in the Lyon area, in France. The band's member all came from a small town in the far suburbs. Mika and Yo are friends since childhood, and used to jam together for years before they actually decided to really start something.

At this time, I used to meet them quite often. They told me they were looking for a bass player. I told them about Ism, who is an old friend, who had no band at this time, and who was luckily playing bass since a recent era. He was already sort of local hero at this time, especially for having been a member of Euh, a band that was probably the best one in the local scene just a few years before.

Ism met Yo and Mika. They liked each other's approach to music. The band was born.

Then the story began. As I said, it only lasted for an handful of years, but it's an intense story, and telling it correctly would require much research. I won't tell their story now. Now I will give you a link. Be patient the page takes time to load. Download their song from Wumzle Radio's website. DO IT NOW ! For now there's two. Expect more in the near future.

Oct 7, 2012

The Psy Gangnam Style Video Thing

After two years of break, Psy came back recently with a sixth album. In July was released the "Gangnam Style" single's video on Youtube.

When this post is being written, there's 396 952 590 views on the counter. Currently #1 in Youtube 100.

According to some sources, 20 millions views just for yesterday.

If you want a quick view of how big is the phenomenon, watch the live version of Gangnam Style on the same video site where Psy plays this song in a crowed stadium for the Summer Stand concert and the magic is here and real.

I think Europe is about to fall in love too.

Sep 21, 2012

Shino - Wirbelsturm

Are you in a hurry ? Such things happen. In this case, you can download and stream this release legally and for free, from Jamendo thanks to the as great as usual AF Music label.

Beware ! There's something heavy here, something that you cannot handle. Beware ! Think twice before, cause once you hear this album, the game is over for you, this album got you. It is an album recorded in live conditions, one track recording, no overdubs, first take is the good take, oh, well, I like a lot this approach of music. It is a collection of various Shino songs, and also a few Russian bands' covers, including some from legendary punk band Grazhdanskaya Oborona (see wikipedia).

This album is open licensed, you can make copies for your friends. Cause, hey, Shino was nice enough to take care of the job of asking, for covers, the grant to open-license his versions of the songs, just for you to be able to make copies for your friends, so be thankful and share widely !

Because this album is huge. I added it to my playlist, launched random play, listened to a few songs... Stopped the random mode, started to listen to it in the right order... And started to write this paper. Because, first I already knew that it was a gem, and then, because this issuing is quite big news in history of music and I want to live report the mood that exhaust from it, while listening to it.

Oh yes this is a moody album. A great, monumental moody album. It blows cool and hot air alternatively, while staying in the meanwhile very coherent - yes there's a real approach of music as an art discipline here, and the approach chosen is of the kind I like the best.

No compromises here, you got, I guess, someone who has an high opinion of the value of music by itself, and he gives us his own vision.

And once you shared this vision, you'll want to share it with other people, to take turn.

The production is just perfect. Subtle and raw, a great achievement in the "honest" side of nowadays music makers. Precise and powerfull basses, sharp high frequencies, a presence of the guitar and the voice which, with Shino great talent to modulate power, will make you think he's actually in front of you, with his guitar, singing. Oh yeah you'll feel bloody close. Shino tries to talk from heart to heart, and I say beware, you cannot handle this.

Be prepared to be haunted.

Sep 15, 2012

Panda Kid releases new video single, more songs expected

Yes, this paper is a kind of scam. It is a news post that pretend to be a review. Or maybe a review that pretend to be a news post. I mean, I do not use to review singles here, but, hey, we are talking about the great Panda Kid, one of the best bands that ever crossed my path !

If you read the title, you know the most important : Panda Kid just released a new single video on YouTube, it is entitled Icecream, and the vid's description seems to indicate that more songs where recorded and that a release is to be expected.

It also says that it was recorded in a real underground place, a cave or cellar or whatever such a place is meant to be called, you know, these rooms that are under your feet when you are entering a building... Using analog lightweight studio equipment. I suppose the release was produced by the band.

And... Oooooch ! What a shock ! I almost never saw such a great level of achievement when talking about lofi production. The sound is great, just perfect, and no need to say that I wait for more songs... Or to be true that I can't wait for the other songs !

This great masterfulness in lofi production skill, when aggregated with the very pure talent that the project showed for years - not much years, but it is now a well known fact - for writing killer melodies and songs, in a psych garage 60's way, but stonewashed with DIY/early punk influences, ends up in something you should not sleep on.

Oh, wait, I don't need to say more. I summed up as well as I can. If you don't go to The Famous Tube to listen to this gem right now, there's nothing more that I can do.

Three new cassettes issued on Haute Magie record label

I got some news in the mail. The Haute Magie record label just issued three new tapes. It was the first time I heard about this label, but it has years of history, and is focusing on ritual folk, psychedelic and ambient electronic sounds.

It seems they do a quite serious job, there tapes are looking very carefully designed, and the global musical choices made - you know, this "to work with such or such band" thing show the same sense of care.

Just because, yes, I listened a bit, and I remind how coherent everything sounded... And you can listen too ! There's streamable tracks on their website... If you're in the right mood for such music, you can go on, and even if not, I suggest you take a look at the label site : I like a lot the approach of music publishing the label seems to have.

The three new tapes are :




All these tapes are limited editions.

Sep 9, 2012

Human Gaps - Three Titles

Are you in a hurry ? This album is available straight from Jamendo, for free streaming and legal and free download. Beside this, it is also open-licensed, you can make copies for your friends among other things.

Well, my friends, we are talking about a new Human Gaps EP ! Which is, for sure, a surprise, and a great one.

Human Gaps issued "1st Step" back in 2008, I discovered the band a little while after this, and immediately knew we were talking about something serious, since, you know, this EP struck me like a lighting, I'm serious, it is awesome...

Some outtakes of the epoch leaked to Myspace, and the band was kind enough to allow me to provide them on Wumzle Radio, on air and for free download.

But, hey, today, 4 years after their debut EP, they are back, and, wow, that's really great.

The band already has a sure talent for songwriting, in a very emotional way. Add to this a perfect way to perform, especially at the vocal level, and a well-made production, and you understood why a new EP from this band is such a great news.

To sum up : the band is even better than before. Their songwriting and performing skill increased with an higher-than-high magnitude. I cannot tell how much the three titles of this new EP are absolute marvels, perfect songs that you should definitively add to your daily life's playlist.

Ok, I'm not clear enough ? Think of Josh Woodward that would decide to write a grunge EP, it will give you an idea of the level of songwriting skill used for this release.

The production is perfectly ok for me. Simple, straightforward, if you like this kind of sound you may appreciate how this EP was recorded. The first one sounds a bit more, ahem, you know, 'Loud', and the new one is much more subtle, I would say the band improved its skill for this too.

As a conclusion : go on ! You got a milestone in history of music waiting for you, available for free to anyone, and I'm pretty much sure you will love this EP... Providing you are not afraid by a (very, very, very) slight post-rock touch added into your grunge cocktail.

Sep 6, 2012

No Monster Club - Posthumous Hits

Are you in a hurry ? Then hurry more ! THere's only 100 copies produced of this 90 minutes cassette, you can order them from the Already Dead Tape label's website, or straight from the band, on

No Monster Club is like a laser. You know the story of the laser... Ordinary light just radiate in any directions, while laser light beams are all parallel, they all go in the same direction.

And No Monster Club is going, and pretty much far, in its very own direction.

This release shows a band at its best. I know I will not speak, loud and clear enough, I know expressing how great is this album if beyond my reviewer skills.

If you liked Dublin Duck Dispensary and the first "Tropical Decibels", this album is for you. If you liked more recent releases from No Monster Club as a trio, this album is for you.

Because it combines both aspects of the project... And as a result, this is also an excellent introduction to the band, and, I repeat, it is at its best, they are incredibly powerful, and if you never heard about No Monster Club until now, I suggest you to watch a few videos on the interweb, and then, maybe, to buy this album.

Because, if you are the kind of person that can enjoy the work of a project such No Monster Club, this particular album is especially recommended. It is highly accessible while also complex... And maybe you are wondering how I can review it while it was released two days ago and I physically hadn't the time to get my tape ?

That's just because the incredibly kind guys behind Already Dead Taoes & Records let me listen, very exclusively, to the album in its entirety, and they provided a sufficient audio quality for this to allow me to review the release without having ever received my cassette.

A review that will shortly loose most of its interest, since, judging by how fast the 250 vinyl copies of the previous release from the band got soldout, this 100 cassettes series will be only available for, I would say, two or three dozens of days at the greatest extend, so if I were you, I would hurry up to order. No Monster Club is classical music for the next thousand years, music that will stuck, and your grand grand children will thank you for having bought this tape.

I cannot tell the truth about Bobby Aherne's death

When the newest No Monster Club release was issued on Tuesday, it was announced in the press release provided by the label, Already Dead Tapes that Bobby Aherne, the band's frontman and also former sole member of Dublin Duck Dispensary, and indeed an underground rock star, passed away, "tragically at the age of 24".

Some news later surfaced on Twitter about a death caused by bad shrimp food, then another message negated the previous one and indicated only that the death happened while Bobby was "doing something heroic". But such Twitter news are anything but trustable ! Beware !

I cannot tell much more, but, I firmly suggest you follow my advice, because, you know, I promised not to disclose anything about this case, then, my advice is that you email the band,, to get the full truth about this story.

Aug 17, 2012

Still Living Creature issues new remix single, announces new remix album

French electro project Still Living Creature, one of the original two artists who funded Slcnc Music label; issued trough it yesterday a new single, which is a remix of a Logan Dataspirit track. The Logan track is itself a remix from a song from Rumi & Solveig, featuring Rachel Claudio.

Entitled "Rumi & Solveig Featuring Rachel Claudio So Far Away (Logan Dataspirit Mix) ( Still Living Creature rework)", the track is available trough Slcnc Music's website or Still Living Creature on

Mp3 and Ogg downloads are free and the track is under a free license.

It is also issued in a numbered and autographed CD series.

Still Living Creature is active in the electronic music field since 2007, altough he already experimented with electronic sound in the mid and late 90's as a teenager and young man and in the late 80's and early 90's as a kid.

Radio Predator's DJ aaid on air about the "coming from another planet" aspect of Still Living Creature music. The project is well perceived by people listening to it, generally speaking, although it may vary depending on which song is played.

Aug 6, 2012

#grunge special radio show on Wumzle Radio currently

On this european evening, the radio show Hello Eastern Asia, hosted by Wumzle Radio will provide a musical provide that is likely to last for several hours.

This is a 100% grunge radio show, set up to celebrate the coming of the newest Fukked Up album on the station's playlist.

Currently, the station is playing songs from the band's debut EP and first album.

Then, later, will be added to this selection (which will be still playing) the songs from the newest release, issued on Friday, 13th 2012.

Much later in the evening, the show will play another grunge band that Fukked Up fans may like too, Human Gaps.

And the evening will end by the broadcasting of a DJ set recorded live by Shangri-l in April 2012 and featuring Fukked Up songs exclusively that should keep on playing untill very late at night.

The DJ for this radio show being, also, Shangri-l. He will talk, as a big Fukked Up fan, about the band and the new record.

You can tune in to the station from its website, where you can find a webchat to talk with the DJ, other listeners, and maybe band members, who knows ?

Free compilation from AFmusic record label

Just to tell you quickly, there's a new darkwave/etc free compilation due to the usually excellent German label afmusic, that can be downloaded or streamed for free from Bandcamp.

The compilation includes various free/open licensed tracks.

Here's the tracklisting :

Rebentisch - Mein Blick ins Leere 03:54
Light in Your Life - Song About Love 04:42
Die Schatten - Ewigkeit 06:41
Stromble Fix - Dragonfly 03:45
Defekt 86 - Helden Meiner Zeit (Electromix) 03:53
Camp Z - W.Hell.Come II 03:50
MAV - Akynetik 05:02
(((S))) - Addicted to My Dreams 03:25
Accident - Marjoram (Fat Ba's 911 is a joke mix) 05:12
Silver Rocket - In A Hole 02:46
Curious - Thrill B 04:12
The Shock Project - Charly 03:24
Plastic People - Nothing Is Eternal 04:59
Ignition880 - Cooling 03:38
The Eternal Fall - Just With You 03:42
The Forced Oscillations - Machines 03:48
aeon sable - Agnosia 04:46
The Transisters - Confuse-a-cat 03:04
Dark Souls Day - Los Angelina 04:00
Rhombus - New Temperance 03:18
The Nightchild - Des Mondes Kind 04:18
Lotus Feed - Drawn Too 05:49
The Silence Industry - Permanent Crisis 06:06
Christine Plays Viola - Apocryphal Supremacy 07:29
The House Of The Last Lantern - Just Dance 04:05
The Knutz - Ghost Dance Party 04:49
Bernie Bandicoot - Pleasures 05:25
The Open Up and Bleeds - Stiv Bators in All of Us 02:54
M!R!M - Deep Throat 04:23
Winter Severity Index - The Wiser 03:48
Amada - Nuovi Re 04:31
Danish Daycare - Second Day In June 04:49
On Wave - Splendour 03:35
Smoke Fish - We're Gonna Have A Good Time 02:59
Shearer - Against My Nature 03:33
Melanculia - Lightmare 05:05
Tobias Borelius - Hiro 02:45
Shino - My Mistress 03:04
Degrees - At Least Rock & Roll Won't Leave A Hole In My Back 06:25
That Was Yesterday - Father 04:41
Lovegrenade - Hategrenade 02:19
The Search - Age Of The Hermit 04:15
Principe Valiente - The Night 04:43
The Foreign Resort - Orange Glow (Edit) 04:39
Duellen - Frågan 03:14
Emerald Park - Things 03:09
all:my:faults - Es wird ein Regen kommen... 05:01
The Glass Spider - The Entering Code 04:08
Godex - For You 03:33
Frightnights [Under Haunted Stars] - Dysfunctional (Dead Space Mix) 03:14
Notes from Underground - Greed (Gier Remix by Bruno Kramm) 03:58
Art of Empathy - Still Dancing 03:47
Mach FoX - Nu Dead Pretty (Planktoon Mix) 04:13
Muffled Shine - Alone 05:17
Unfactory - My Insane 04:13
AlterRed - The Drug Named God 05:28
Ghostfog - Flutter 03:59
Waiting in Vain - Awake Again (Trensity RMX) 03:56
Eternal Nightmare - The Worst Day in History 04:14
Deied - A Shell Full of Scars (Mach Fox Remix) 05:37
Thornfields - Under the Rain (Sunrise Mix) 03:35
Verlustprinzip - Nachtlicht (Ghostmix) 05:42
Cyber Snake - Good By (My Love) 05:55

Jul 25, 2012

Industrial rock project Matmix covers Gorbie's Stuff classic

[UPDATE December 2012, 30th : the only curently working way to hear the cover is now : ]

Matmix, which is around since numerous years and has a somehow existing fan base, is an industrial rock music project, influenced by bands such as Nine Inch Nails or Marilyn Manson.

Matmix is a one-man-band, and released yesterday a cover of Gorbie's Stuff song, "Somethin", which is probably the most popular song from this 2004-2005 alternative/noisy rock project.

You can download and stream this cover for free from

The original song is Creative Commons by-nc-nd licensed, and Matmix was granted by the band a right to publish this cover, since rhe nc-nd license, while allowing free non-commercail redistribution, share and broadcasting, don't allow as is the publishing of derivated artworks, excepting if you are granted by the original artist a right to issue.

Gorbie's Stuff indicated that Matmix request was processed in less than 22 hours. If you are interested in covering this song too, please take a look at 's songbook for lyrics, tablatures and chords.

You can find various versions of the original Gorbie's Stuff song that Gorbie's Stuff published, trough or the band's official website.

Former Gorbie's Stuff frontman later started Me In The Bath, and cover the song several times - that's how Matmix heard of it. You can find these covers on or the band's official website,

Jul 19, 2012

We're hiring - #freelance #job - web and print editors, #music reviewers

Apply now by email or online - Write music album reviews, gig reviews, conduct inteviews (email interviews are ok) and get paid. More information on the Jobs @ Underketing page.

Jul 18, 2012

Fukked Up - Everything Is Fine

Are you in a hurry ? No problem. You can stream and download this album for free, also buy it in CD-quality format or on CD, or preorder the vinyl, straight from the band's website,

If I had to sum up, and you may know that I like to sum up sometime... If you want my opinion (or even if you don't want it I'll provide it now), this album is radiating a dark melancholy. I would think that Fukked Up, with this release, understood something about itself, and the result is even better than usual. The previous releases from this band were already among the best content you can find around currently.

If you never heard about Fukked Up, this is a German grunge band, singing in English, that started publishing music two years ago. Their first EP, These Guys Are, immediately struck me as as close as possible to real, original, undiluted 90's grunge sound, especially Nirvana's one. The band is producing its music from their rehearsal and studio room, using free software exclusively, and released everything until now under an open licence, which allows you among other things to make copies of their records for your friends, which is nice.

With the next release, the album "do this/do that", I knew we had a serious problem, and, as I wrote about this release a few time ago, don't be surprised if you wake up one day to discover that they eat the music world for their breakfast.

Because Fukked Up is awesome, and, with this new album, they are better than ever. The band, I think, learned much over years, and I really think that with this release, if there's still real music lovers around, Fukked Up shall become big, really big. So much talent cannot be forever hidden, you can be sure. The band was already really close to reach a really broad audience when the first single excerpt from this album, "What It Means To Me", was released alongside with live videos. Today, the band unveils the whole album, and if I was one of the current superstars of what is used to be called music, I would start to feel a bit afraid for the future of my little business.

Just because this album perfectly define what an excellent album should be, and, whoever you are, you should give a listen to it.

Jul 12, 2012

New releases from Already Dead Tapes

The USA-based label Already Dead Tapes issued several new releases, ranging from electronic to experimental, from chamber music to noise rock. The best thing you can do if you have any interest in this is to head to Already Dead Tapes' Soundcloud where you can listen to various songs from these recent releases.

Projects featured are : Chat Log, Teenage Tasteless, Br'er, Dominic Pierce, Alpha Couple, Hypocrite In A Hippy Crypt, Not The Wind Not The Flag, Ewphoria, King Necro, Wim...

Most of them if not any (I didn't check) are available on tape trough the label, which also sometimes issues CDs and vinyls. Most of the label's publication if not any (once aqain, I didn't check) are limited, numbered editions.

You may know, if you read Underketing from time to time, that we like to be aware of what's happening at Already Dead Tapes, since this label released previously marvelous releases that got reviewed here, such as Panda Kid, Chris Brokaw, Radiator Hospital or Fred Thomas ones.

Jul 5, 2012

Various Artists - Popical Island #3

Are you in a hurry ? Well, I can perfectly understand this. No need to read further. Instead of that, head to Popical Island's Bandcamp where you can stream this compilation, pay to download it, or buy it on hand-painted CDs or tapes.

Popical Island is a music organisation located in Ireland. And this compilation, which is, to sum up, simply excellent, draws a quick landscape of the best among what Ireland has to offer nowadays.

I'm not talking about beer or tourism. I'm talking about this very interesting pop rock scene, part lofi, part influenced by early 80's UK punky/new wave pop bands such as XTC, The Tourists, Joe Jackson or Elvis Costello. The latest is very audible on the b-side of the compilation.

And, ahem, well, this compilation rocks. As of per usual when I meet a release of such a quality, I'm speechless. Oh yeah, you get No Monster Club, Land Lovers, and even Grand Pocket Orchestra singing in French on the same record ! Believe me, trust me, trust my advice and give this awesome release a listen. Many years in the future, you'll be able to say 'oh yeah I heard of this scene with Popical #3' and you'll instantly deserve huge respect from all your friends.

Because something huge is happening in Ireland nowadays. Just look at the excellent Irish releases that where reviewed here in the past few months, Land Lovers, No Monster Club, Desperadow or Grand Pocket Orchestra to name a few bands. Today's Irish scene really know how things have to be done in order to end up with great records. Not just great, indeed, but to be true to use my favorite words, "milestones in history of music".

And today, you are given an opportunity to discover this astonishing musical maelstrom that is rocking Ireland nowadays. Just pure gems. I slightly prefer the B side, but the A side is quite good too. In any case, if you don't go back to the top of this post in order to click on the provided streaming link, it is useless to come back here, you are no longer my friend.

But if you do so, I love you. And you'll come back here to thank me.

Jun 28, 2012

Underketing awards - Best video for free or open-licensed music 2012 - Vote now !

Hey oh !

We want you, Underketing readers, to tell us what is your favorite music video, for open and free licensed music.

To vote, send an email to with

-The object of the email starting with the word "VOTE" in uppercase, followed by the full, exact, official name of the video as it can be found online.

The song or songs featured must have been published at least once under a free or open license.

You don't have a favorite music video of this kind for now ? Here's Underketing editors suggestions :

Me In The Bath - Knew
FUKKED UP - Live Full Concert @Phönix 03.06.2012
Clodomiro Charlilechó "Hélice à pédales (valse pour orgue d'église et batterie préparée)"
matmix - [no morears] - Politicians (first round)

You can change your mind later and send another mail to cancel your vote or vote to another video instead.

Indicating the internet address of the video you vote for would be nice but is not mandatory.

Results will be published in January 2013.

Jun 27, 2012

LIve videos from Stereo Junkies

French industrial rock band Stereo Junkies relleased a few live videos from their June 23 set on YouTube. This band features singer/guitarist Matmix, who's also a solo artist and primary member of LGGR, in the industrial rock field as well.

First The Circle-A EP now streamable and on CD

- Emergency ! Emergency ! "A-1", the first The Circle-A EP is currently being published ; for now streamable from YouTube ! Probably in vinyl shortly it this hasn't been canceled. The band site is

The Circle-A is an anarcho-punk band located in Réunion Island, wich is a French territory in the Indian Ocean. The main vocalist is a female vocalist. It is influenced, in my humble opinion, by oldschool punk, early 80's punk & hardcore, also a bit of Punk's Not Dead and a slight 70's heavy rock touch.

[update : the vinyl EP is cancelled, but the band goes back in studio in August to record a LP that will be edited on vinyl. The EP is already available on CD. They will play alongside with Peter Pan Speedrock for a show in October and also have more shows planned before this.

Jun 18, 2012

Echo Base releases album for free download, gathers donations to issue vinyl

Echo Base is a band from the USA. They recently released a freely streamable and downloadable mini-album, on Bandcamp.

It is available in a name your price, no minimum manner. The band aims at gathering money to fund a vinyl issuing.

This release has good points in it. Less good points, as well, in my humble opinion. But if I had to sum up I would say this is a quite good release, Not exactly the usual contemporary melodic punk album, no, there's something more in it.

I did not listen in a very focused way but I noticed some very interesting points in the release, that made me think that even if I don't take the time for a full review, I can nevertheless tell Underketing readers about the album, which deserves, I think, a certain exposure.

Since it is quite good. Refreshing and, naturally, too short. It is possible that you spend a few great minutes while listening to it, depending on what are your tastes. I would suggest the following advice : if you like punk and are not afraid by how contemporary punk can sometime sound, and look for a band that goes beyond this sound, then you should use the top link to listen to this album.

Panda Kid releases live video, EP

Very recently surfaced a live video from Panda Kid (which is quite a rare event), that can be found on YouTube. I learned this way that an EP was issued on Bandcamp, which seems to be (but for this I'm far from sure) a re-edit with less tracks of the now soldout cassette album, which was reviewed here and greatly appreciated. Both are named "Scary Monster Juice"

Panda Kid is among the most interesting projects, and not only in the garage pop scene, but in the whole contemporary musical landscape. Each release I got was an incredible travel, and I would strongly recommend you to take some time to listen. There's also the older split with No Monster Club that got reviewed, it is still available for free and legal download.

Jun 17, 2012

Me In The Bath's frontman amkes its production, performing, songwriting and recording skills available online

Virtual online studios appeared quite recently. Generally, the concept is alike 'You send your vocal track, you get a fully arranged song'.

Nicolas Chartoire, Me In The Bath's frontman and also member of Thcoreba Thmano and Still Living Creature among many other projects, who has been writing, recording and producing music for about twenty years, is now offering his own online studio service.

"I recently rewired my studio and added some hardware", he told us. "I thought that it would be great if anyone could benefit of my gear and skills".

Nicolas Chartoire can work out, with just a vocal track as the basis, a complete mixed song with (at your convenience) guitar, bass, drums and electronic instruments.

He can also write a song just for you. All you'll have to do his to record the vocal track with your own voice and you'll receive a finished song.

The basis package is sold 34 euros per track. If you take the 'songwriting" option besides arrangement and recording, it will cost you 44 euros per track.

"I wanted to sell this service cheap",
Nicolas Chartoire says, "Since I produce in a very lo-fi way and that my arrangements are very strange and noisy, I couldn't sell this service for 300 bucks per track like most virtual studio does. Additionally, this may allow some people who couldn't afford such a service until now to have their song recorded".

More information about the offer on

Jun 14, 2012

M.Tout le monde probably splitted after hiatus

After one year of hiatus, because of their bass player being living oversea, I have sad news for M.Tout Le Monde fans. I'm pretty much sure these news still haven't surfaced on the internet. I had the opportunity to talk on the phone with Thibault, M.Tout le monde guitarist and singer.

He told me that their bass player is now back from Canada, and is currently playing in a Jamiroquai cover band. Over time, each and every M.Tout le monde members started various projects each one on their own, and the band no longer has a future.

Thibault is doing fine. He still have an home studio and keeps on recording covers, after a period spent producing his dub music. He recently had an opportunity to rework his studio settlement and plan to make music on his own in the foreseeable future.

Then, this is the end of the story for M. tout le monde and its unique mix of reggae, groove and alternative music. Their EP is still available from Dogmazic and got reviewed here.

Talking about Dogmazic, Thilbault is the one who made me discover this unique place, that is now my main publishing mean for my music, and also an endless source of enjoyment for the great forum chats. Be thanked, Thibault !

Jun 5, 2012

Fukked Up releases gig music video

German grunge band Fukked Up released a video, one of their show, that can be reached at :

The band should issue their new album later this month.

May 18, 2012

Me In The Bath - The Month - Shangri-l speaks

So, there's still a section on Underketing for band members to write about their own recordings, and I am still the only one writing for it. Today, I'll introduce a recently published Me In The Bath album, "The Month", which is currently available trough Bandcamp or Slcnc Music.

If I had to sum up briefly, I would say, "No more pop" ! With the previous release, I had been more poppy than usual, and with this new one I wanted to go back to a more noisy, experimental sound, but nevertheless as always a little melodic. The previous release wasn't that pop, this was, to be true, noisy pop, but this new one is far more strange, awkward, and uses a lot of strange keys.

I wanted things to happen fast. On a morning, I started recording height drum tracks, all of them improvised. I added then height tracks of guitar, height tracks of bass, height tracks of voice, improvising each time. Then I had the album. It has only been a matter of hours.

I'm especially proud of "At Noon", "I Got Your Serial Number Baby", and "Such A Thing", which are well equilibrated between noisy pop and noise rock. But you may prefer other tracks on this release, depending on what your tastes are. In any case, I warn you once again, this is a strange, awkward album, and I would not recommend it to anyone.

I also like a lot the bass and lead guitar parts on "Rice". With this song I achieved something really different of what I use to do, and this is fine. The key is inspired by non-western music.

If you already heard things I produced, and if you like tracks like "Bots", you may like this release as well - it is less overdriven, but the spirit remains the same. If you like the poppy side of Me In The Bath, well, I'm not sure. There's still pop parts in this album, but it is generally speaking experimental and strange, bizarre. I would nevertheless suggest you to give it a quick try, just in case.

I'm, to be true, happy with the final result. This is not mainstream music, this is still enjoyable, I hope there will be people in this world to give this recording a try and listen to it. I cannot say if I did my best or not, but, being deliberate or accidental, the album is here, 8 excellent songs to wait quietly for the summer.

New paper books and ebooks available

There's new issues in our Paper and eBook version section.

First, Underketing Issue 3 is available on paper or in pdf for free download. This is the archive of the blog from February, 24 2012 to May 17, 2012.

Underketing Issue 2 and Underketing Issue 1 are still available, also on paper or as free pdf.

A second thing, Underketing archive edition 1 was published. It features Underketing Issue 1, Underketing Issue 2, and Underketing Issue 3, and is sold as an ebook (epub format) or as a printed book.

Useful links can be found at our Paper and Ebook version section.

May 17, 2012

tiny moon - Songs About Girls and Stuff

Are you in a hurry ? There's no need to keep on reading. Instead of that, you can go to tiny moon's Bandcamp and stream the release for free, as well as to download it if you provide an email address.

The noise-pop tag on Bandcamp is a pretty much crowed one. There's pure marvels in it like this "Songs About Girls and Stuff". I was lucky, I found this album almost by mistake, but when listening to it, oh, well, I knew I was lucky. If you are coming here to read what I wrote from time to time, you maybe heard of Me In The Bath and No Monster Club. If you like Me In The Bath, or if you like No Monster Club, it is not sure you will like this album too. But if you like both Me In The Bath and No Monster Club, then you are very likely to appreciate this album a lot.

If you already heard about Me In The Bath and No Monster Club, you can imagine how this music project sounds. If not, think about a mix of psych garage surf, lo-fi influenced noise pop and atonal, more noisy music. This album is a very good one, deploying a broad range of song-writing approaches, for a various result, never boring. I've been lucky enough to meet this masterpiece, I have now to spread a little the word about it, just because there's many people around who could enjoy it.

This album has its own energy. You may want to refuel at it, or not. For me, it has been refreshing, astonishing, and to sum up, I knew I found one more music project that is, according to me, just perfect, the kind of projects I use to write about for Underketing.

This release is simply excellent. Broken synths, overdriven lead vocals and choirs, lofi guitar, sometime drums and bass, an subtle mix of melodic, well known and more strange, experimental keys, undoubtedly a great song-writing and production masterfulness, not talking about how intense is the performing, the conclusions arises by themselves : this is a gem. The kind of gem you can rely upon me to tell the world about. Simply, basically, a milestone in history of music. According to me, and if you came here, I can suppose you have a kind of interest for the kind of music that is featured here.

So, it's time for you to decide : either you are going to click on the link at the top of this paper and listen to this release, or not. In both case, thanks for reading, but if I were you I would take just a few time, just a very little, little piece of time - since the album doesn't have many songs, and they are not very long - and give this album a listen. You are about to encounter one of theses albums that are insanely great, the kind of release that will make you wonder why you didn't hear about it sooner.

That was a week : May, 5 to May, 11 2012

After a while with nothing published here, "That was a week" is back with what has been posted :

-Underketing featured news about the newest cassettes issued by Dumpster Diving Lab label.

-Underketing also told you about the newest releases from the label Steak Au Zoo Records.

-Underketing featured a review of one of these releases, "Balaklava Boating" by the Russian music project Clathrus.

-and the site also featured, in its "More Reviews" section which is meant for reviews that wouldn't fit in the main "Reviews" section, a paper about "El Camino" by The Black Keys.

May 11, 2012

The Black Keys - El Camino

Are you in a hurry ? If you want to, you can skip reading this review and start searching for this album, instead. Since it is a release from a major music label, it is likely to be featured on many streaming platform, digital shop, and at many physical shops. Alternatively buy links are provided at the end of this post.

This release came to me trough a very particular way, because I got the CD as a gift from a friend, a friend who knows perfectly what kind of music I like and enjoy. I was pretty much sure, then, that it would be the kind of release that would fit for an Underketing review, even before I listened to it. And once I did so, I realised I wasn't wrong.

Beware, this record is under heavy 60's and 70's sound influence, especially (but that's only my opinion) you may be able to locate in it some things that would remind you The Doors.

There's also some 80's and 90's aspects in this music, and a light Queens Of The Stone Age influence (among other ones) for the 2000's touch... Well, it is definitively a 2010's album, you know what I mean...

I like a lot the way it is produced, even more the way it is performed and written. Such pop and heavy blues influences are mixing so well, that I can say this release is undoubtedly a success. You know I usually do not review music from mainstream channels, and this is the first time I review an album coming from there that has been released recently - in the past when I used to write about a major/established indie release, it was one issued decades ago.

So then, if you came by the past on Underketing and read a few reviews I wrote, you may have guessed that I would not have reviewed an album that wouldn't worth it, major release, indie release or whatever. And this album has an huge value. I especially liked the way songs sometimes end abruptly, the great level of achievement in the performing and songwriting process, the great quality in arrangements and solos, well, to sum up this a great piece of music, that I would recommend to many people.

If you liked Queens Of The Stone Age previous releases, you can try this one without fear, you are likely to appreciate it. If you like The Doors, there's things in this album that may remind you them, with a little bit more heavy sound. If you like 60's sound, psych pop, surf and so on, there's also things in this release that could make you enjoy it.

Anyway, this band is getting somehow big these days, and you'll probably be sooner or later in a place where you will hear some of their tunes. Maybe. Depending on where you are living and to which place you use to go. But there's chances.

And maybe, at this time, you will remind how good I though this record was when I wrote my good old Underketing review, and you may listen in a more focused way.

I just add, quickly, that this release, naturally, due to the universe it belongs to, is produced very cleanly, much more cleanly than most of the albums that uses to be reviewed here. But nevertheless, this is not that kind of too loud and unbearable albums, things were done subtlety and the overall result should be enjoyable by the people who use to read reviews I write and like the albums that I like.

Now it's time for this paper to reach its conclusion. To be short, very good album, warmly recommended.

[Update Jan 2013 : the buy links, which were affiliates ones, are gone. I hope I now deleted any of them here]

Clathrus - Balaklava Boating

Hi. No time to waste ? You can stream for free, buy digitally, buy physically on tape (limited edition) this album from the label's Bandcamp. The label being Steak Au Zoo Records.

Got time to waste reading the whole paper ? Ok, let's continue.

You know how it goes, nowadays, many people are very solicited, continuously, by new music that wants to be discovered. The sad point being that, the most interesting music is sometimes not the one that will solicit you the most.

When I give a listen to something, the very first seconds are very important to me. In these very first seconds, I can have a preview of how the whole album will be, and I became over time a little experienced about this. And, while listening to the very first seconds of "Balaklava Boating", I knew I would write about it for Underketing.

Just because, in the very first seconds of listening, this release made me think of Sultor Nacle - an you know how much I am a Sultor Nacle fan, so this is for sure a good starting point. But wait, summing up the whole thing by saying "it sounds like Sultor Nacle" would be a big mistake, because the Clathrus project is doing things in its own way. To be true, what I would say more accurately is that some parts of Clathrus' music made me think of some parts of Sultor Nacle's work.

The comparison can be useful when talking about the production. While talking about it, Sultor Nacle's "Album No 1" sound a bit more rough than "Balaklava Boating", but there's many things in common in the way both albums has been produced.

Nevertheless, this comparison can only help to give you a basic idea about how good is this album. It has many qualities, and definitively deserves a listen. I especially liked the use of very vintage synth sounds on some tracks, or the quick slow downs/fast forwards that reminded me when I was playing with the speed control button of my 4-tracks tape recorder in the late 90's.

Showing a great sense of masterfulness in electronic music writing and producing, the release is pretty much good. I liked listening to it, just like I like spreading the word about it right now. Yes, this is experimental thing, but not that much, and the overall result is pretty much equilibrated, and this makes me thing that I have to listen a bit more to what is produced around the world nowadays, because I think the music scene, generally speaking, is evolving in the good direction, and that we get and will get more and more quality albums over time. I wouldn't always have said that ; a few time back the new music published in the world seemed doomed to become less and less interesting, but thanks to netlabels, microlabels and self-releasing artists, the trend is now for even better quality, continuously.

And this album is definitively the kind of quality albums that are released during the current period. So I would say, don't miss it, give it a listen, you are given an opportunity to discover a great album, I wouldn't have written about if it was not the case.

Oh, you are still reading, and did not scroll back to the top of the page in order to access the release ? It means I have now to display all my competency as a reviewer to make you stop reading and start to listen. But I don't know what I can say, now. I told you this release makes me thing of one of my favourite electronic music producer, I told you it was for sure a quality album, what can I add ? This is an excellent album. Go listen to it now, please.

New releases from Steak Au Zoo Records

Steak Au Zoo Records is a French micro-label, originally based in Paris but that has now moved to Nancy. Its catalog is blending various styles and influences and is very international.

Here's a short list of their newest releases - I didn't checked for just any of them, but it seems they use to provide pay-to-download, physical copies in limited editions, and free streaming :

STKZ019 ARABIAN HORSES / GLINA split tape (out on 05/11/12)

STKZ018 PEARS "Sterling postures/Soft Plans" tape double album

STKZ017 MPALA GAROO/GOLDEN DWARVES "Great Turquoise Mess Age" split tape

STKZ016 NU DEPTH "SL4V3 2 †H3 R4V3" tape

STKZ015 CLATHRUS "Balaklava Boating" tape


To stream these release, to buy them physically or digitally, or just to get more information, please take a look at Steak Au Zoo Records' website, especially the "Catalog" section, or you can also head directly to the label's bandcamp.

May 10, 2012

New cassettes from Dumpster Diving Lab

Russian label Dumpster Diving Lab, also known as DDL, has two new cassettes for you. The first cassette is a split featuring Sindre Bjerga and Micromelancolie, it is a limited edition. The second one is also a split cassette, featuring Inez Lightfoot and Sun Cycles. This is also a limited edition. You can order straight from Dumpster Diving Lab.

Apr 2, 2012

Just about one week after the issuing of 'Dublin', No Monster Club officially announces new album

This was a fact known since this winter : after the issuing of Dublin, that got reviewed here during the previous week and that was issued on March, 23, another No Monster Club album is on its way. The band told about this fact on various social network earlier this year, saying that after 'Dublin' in March, another No Monster Club full length would be issued during April.

Now things are getting a little more official, since late at night, or early in this morning, the band told on its official Twitter that the new record would be issued next month, would be a solo, old style record with just Bobby singing and playing the guitar, would feature 40 tracks and would be available on 90-minutes audio cassettes.

Since we, the nice folk(s) at Underketing, are in touch with the nice people from Already Dead Tapes, the excellent record label that released earlier pure marvels as Chris Brokaw's album or Fred Thomas/Radiator Hospital's split album, we can say that the label itself would have said that the next No Monster Club release would be available trough them. But beware, in the world of underground music, such things are likely to evolve quickly and secretly, so then this is an information that is only partially trustable - I don't know, maybe the band changed its mind and the cassette will be issued trough other means.

The newest No Monster Club release, "Dublin", already gathered very enthusiastic reviews all over the world. Most notably, their single was the most rated in the previous week's edition of The Irish Times.

(offtopic : and, I have to add, I am fond of the mind-openness of the Irish music media, with a major paper magazine such as the Irish Times reviewing a single from an album that is self-released by the band, self-produced. Such a thing would not be likely to happen in France, where the paper magazines are bound with the mainstream music industry at a very close level, and would never review a self-released recording)

That was a week - Mar, 24 to Mar, 30 2012

Here's the hottest things currently under the spotlights that got featured here :

Matmix released a new video in which he plays the drums with a pianist nammed Tom.

No Monster Club's "Dublin" was reviewed

Icon Girl Pistols' "Goodbye Donuts (Hey, Statue of Liberty)" was reviewed too

Gremlins hijacked our previous weekly digest, in which some post were missing. This has been corrected.

Mar 27, 2012

Gremlins strike back


I'm deeply sorry, I forgot to feature a few post when writing the Mar, 10 to Mar 16 weekly digest. It is now corrected.

Mar 26, 2012

Icon Girl Pistols - Goodbye Donuts (Hey, Statue of Liberty)

Are you in a hurry ? This release is available from some major online record stores, such as iTunes and Amazon MP3. Alternatively, you can order the CD directly from the band's official website.

This release was issued in October 2011. This is a follow-up to "New Currency" (the previous album), which was itself a follow-up to an EP and numerous singles.

I discovered Icon Girl Pistols with "Single Collection 2010", which was previously reviewed here. When the newest release was issued, I wasn't still as fond of this band as I am now, and I didn't manage to get the release immediately. But a few month after this, during which I had been listening to the band's music and enjoying it, I decided I had to get Goodbye Donuts, just, you know, in order to see how the band was evolving.

To be true, this is a video posted by the band - a video of Techno Star Jet - that triggered in me the process of thinking about the idea of obtaining the newest release. The video is quite noisy, the song is not on the newest album, and I was thinking "it seems Icon Girl Pistols sounds a bit noisier nowadays, maybe I should listen to the newest release".

The release is not as noisy as the new video. Instead of that, you get seven excellent rock songs, well written and well performed, and recorded in a professional way. Maybe the band is noisier when playing live, I don't know. But Goodbye Donuts is likely to be liked by people who enjoyed "Single Collection 2010", and I am among them.

If I had to sum up, this release still makes me think of some of my favourite records from the 70's pre-punk NY Scene, as it used to happen to me previously, with this band.

But there's also another kind of music that this release makes me think of. An album that is among the one I love the best, and with which this 'Goodbye Donuts (Hey, Statue of Liberty)' has some aspects in commons, according to me. This is "Parallel Lines", the 1978 album of Blondie, which, while coming from the NY Scene, already evolved into something different.

There's things that are shared by both releases. Such as the clearly audible search of perfection, talking about melodies, being vocal ones or guitar solos and riffs. The power and the energy packed in the songs. An overall subtlety that is too rare nowadays...

The result being an album for which I had no choice : I have to review it here, according to my approach of reviewing which currently is, basically, to talk about the best releases I know, no matter how poorly gifted I am when talking about writing on music.

Listening to this album is strongly, really strongly suggested. Why do you think I write all these reviews here ? The few albums I review have simply the highest value among what I discovered during the previous years. They are, according to me, masterpieces. One thing I could do was to testify how good they are, in the hope that a few ones will read the reviews and enjoy the albums as I do.

So please, if you have a valid interest in my opinion, start listening to Icon Girl Pistols today. Depending on your taste, you may encounter one of your all-time favourites.

That was a week - Mar, 17 to Mar, 23 2012

Few news in the week between March 17 and march 23... Just a Matmix video issued in which he plays drums for a live session with a pianist.

No Monster Club - Dublin

Are you in a hurry ? You can give right now a listen to a few tracks from this release straight from the band's Bandcamp. You can also order the release as vinyl from many various places here or there, including the band's official website, or from their label, CF Records.

Ahem. Reviewing albums is an hard work to do. What can I say to express as exactly as possible how great I think an album is ? You may know, I love No Monster Club. A major band, undoubtedly. I love their spectorian wall-of-sound approach of production, mixed with a major lo-fi influence. I love their killer melodies, their awesome rhythmic patterns, the overall quality of musical writing.

So then, you probably guessed, this No Monster Club release is, actually, what you can expect from such a great band.

If you are already a No Monster Club fan, you can go on without any major problem. This is still Ye Olde No Monster Club, with any of the elements that you were loving in their music in the past.

If you are not a No Monster Club fan, well, I ain't no sure. No Monster Club is a band of a kind that requires some prerequisites in order to love it. Give a listen to a few tracks using the previously given link and make yourself your own opinion.

But for me... Word, this release is ***** great. I like a lot the way the band evolves. While keeping strongly faithful to their own sound, they are nevertheless slightly putting new things in their music, over time. And I like them, for sure. What I noticed for this release is a little more clearly viewable use of some experimental tricks, but don't panic, the whole thing remains what you can expect from the band - and that's why so many people like it so much.

I do not rate records here. When I review a record, this means that it is an excellent one. It has been my golden rule since I started writing for Underketing, and it still is. So then, I do not rate records. But if I had to give a few stars to this one, ... Oh never mind, you know what I want to express. This release is HUGE ! There will never be enough stars available to rate such an album.

I hope this release will eventually be made available in digital format. Maybe such a thing is likely to happen within a few months, when some vinyl albums got sold... But for now if you want to get your hand on it, vinyl is the only option. So, basically, if you want to be one of the early adopters of this excellent record, you'll have to buy it in the most cumbersome mean to store sounds ever invented... And besides this, if you want to listen to it, you'll have to get access to one of these ancient devices used to play such records. (Unless you get it from the label, in such case you'll get a download code) [UPDATE : Download code is included when buying the release from the band, as well]

So, you'll have to deserve the access to this release. Your reward will be to be among the selected few ones who actually got the release.

In any case - providing you listened to the excerpts that are available and liked how the band is sounding on this album - I can say you will be perfectly happy once you get this album in your collection. A must have garage-pop mixture, for which saying it will print a deep footprint in mankind's culture history is only an euphemism.

Mar 24, 2012

Piatom+Batmix - Matmix just issued a brand new video, a live session with a pianist named Tom, in which Mat plays the drums. A rare instant of fellowship for two musicians.

Mar 20, 2012

That was a week - Mar 10, 2012 to Mar 16, 2012

Not many news, but important one :

Ferdinand Raillefer's review was updated because the tracks are no longer available ; an alternative download source was provided and - exclusive content, not usual in our weekly digest section - then updated since it is becoming a bit difficult to get a copy of the reviewed album - although it is open-licensed - , but the mean currently provided should work.

Also, we got news from the punk act from the Réunion Island, The Circle A ; Devolt's newest release, "Grey", was reviewed, and the newest No Monster Club vinyl is available for pre-order.

Mar 12, 2012

Newest No Monster Club album, 'Dublin', available for pre-order

That finally happened. The new No Monster Club album, entitled 'Dublin', is available for pre-order on 12" vinyl from the band's official website.

No need to say that, if this release matches the usual quality grade of No Monster Club releases, it will be reviewed here. I already ordered my copy, and you, what are you waiting for ?

The release date is be March, 23, of the great year 2012. As a teaser, a video from the first single, "Be My Bone", is available from YouTube.

Devolt - Grey

Are you in a hurry ? You can find this release for download from many online music stores. And, it is streamable from Deezer.

I met Devolt with their previous EP, 'Supernatural Disaster', which was pretty much good. When I heard about their new album, I was a bit afraid. 'Supernatural Disaster' was excellent. Would the next release be as good, or maybe, better ?

But, when I started to listen to the studio version of 'Raining On Me' which is the first song of the release - I already heard a live version of this song - , I quickly knew that once again, Devolt ended up with an excellent release.

Just because, this band is huge. I could name-drop a bit, and Hüsker Dü and Nirvana would be among the name dropped. But I will try to explain how good this album is in a different way.

This release is packed with energy and melody. Especially, talking about melodies, Devolt is mastering the thing. But, when talking about the energy, they are pretty much here too. At ease on many different tempos, the band is both coherent and versatile.

You may wonder, and how about the production ? The production is a good one. Simple and efficient, for an overall result that sounds very natural. Nevertheless, very professional, and, if I had to sum up, excellent.

But what I like the most on this release, is the way the vocals evolved since the previous EP. More emotion, but never sounding fake. For the other components of its sound, Devolt is just as good as before. The new bassist is doing his job well. For everything else, well, this is our plain ol' Devolt, drums that rock and sharp guitar lines.

You know, when I review something here, you can be pretty sure this is a must-have. An excellent album. A milestone in history of music. And, yeah, this album is all of these. Simply. I wrote I was afraid... I had big hopes. The band didn't betray them. Devolt is the kind of band that counts. The kind of band that matters. The kind of band I review here, simply. You know, I ain't got no time to waste writing about albums that would be only average, or just a bit good. If I decide to invest some precious minutes of my life spreading the word about a band, you can be pretty sure that it is an excellent one.

Well, I'm not that fond of the ballad... Yeah, there's a ballad on this release. But when I look at the score, the general score for the album, well, it is quite high. And, maybe, you will like the ballad. I don't know. But what I know, is that, if you take the time to scroll back to the top of this message to use the provided link and give the release a listen, at a minimum you will then be aware of what is your own opinion about a band that starts where so many other bands end.

Did I mention that these guys are French ? Singing in English ? That they played live in famous rock'n'roll clubs in Los Angeles, that they toured in the UK, and that I love their music a lot ? Oh, for the later point you probably guessed it.

Mar 11, 2012

News from The Circle-A

According to some sources, after a bit of delay, The Circle-A would be about to enter the studio to record their debut album. According to the same sources, it would be available in limited vinyl (some says, 500 copies, but nothing is sure), and would be recorded in live condition, the whole band playing together during the recording process.

In the meanwhile, the Réunion Island (Indian Ocean, French territory) band is touring intensively, and released two live tracks for free streaming on their official website.

Mar 9, 2012

Icon Girl Pistols unveils new video, gets new members

Icon Girl Pistols, a Japanese rock band that we love a lot here at Underketing, and that has releases under free license for some of them, and under standard copyright for some other ones (as far as I know), just announced that two new members joined the band, Goldflash and Stuart.

The band also released a new music video from their song Techno Star Jet, which can be seen from YouTube.

Their newest release is entitled "Goodbye Donuts (Hey, Statue of Liberty)", has been released during October 2011, and is available in a pay-to-download manner from iTunes and Amazon MP3, as well as on CD from the band. There's also other releases available for free download from the band's official website and from

Mar 8, 2012

pornophonique - 8-bit lagerfeuer

Are you in a hurry ? You can stream and download this release, for free and legally, either from the band's official website (where you can also buy the release on CD) or from a certain site, I am not sure of its name, maybe it is Jamendo.

This release is open-licensed, you can make copies for your friends.

Also, the lower-case at the beginning of the band's name is deliberate, as far as I know.

So, what are we talking about ? We are talking about a German duet, singing in English, mixing vocals, guitars, and electronic sounds, and especially chiptune sounds, made with a Gameboy and a Commodore 64. The rock influence is here, the chiptune influence is here too, so then you already guessed that I like this release a lot.

You may know, when I started writing for Underketing, I tried to write about as many releases from the past few years that I could remember, and that were, according to me, milestones in history of music.

The advantage of this approach is that I ended up with a very spontaneous style of writing - yes, I always write and publish as quickly as possible, that's why there's so many typos around.

But the drawback was there were chances for excellent releases to get forgotten in the process.

That's exactly what happened to this release. I just forgot to write about it. But when wandering on Flattr a few days ago, I found once again pornophonique, and after a few time I realised that not to have their release featured here was a big mistake.

Just because, this album is really good. Oh, I know, you may think it's just plain silly, or worse, to write songs about nerdy things such as (I quote the band) "the loneliness in computerdungeons". But the music is here. And, besides the thematic used by the project for the lyrics, there's the music. Just plain awesome music.

I must add, this release was recommended to me by a friend. That's a really good way to discover a release. And I don't mean yet-another-social-media-share, but, yeah, an old-fashioned email, with a brand new subject dedicated to the topic.

When a friend writes to you in such way, you have to go to check. That's what I did. And, at the first listening, I wasn't totally digging the music. But after listening to it more, now I can say this is exactly the kind of releases that I want to feature in my Underketing reviews. Excellent, really excellent music, the kind of music that can become just like an old fellow, by your side for long.

I must add, as a warning, on some tracks the overall result is quite powerful, and if you don't like such things, you may prefer some other tracks that are more nuanced. To be true, the release has the ability to be liked by various kind of people, all of them with their own taste.

I think I summed up everything that I wanted to say. Now it's up to you to act, or not. You can use one of the above links and discover this release, which is, I think, a great one. Or you can decide that it is not for you, just relying on my own opinion, which can be inaccurate or false. You get me ? I would suggest you not to trust what I said, and to go there, and to decide by yourself.

Various artists - Join the dark side, we got the music !

Are you in a hurry ? You do not need to keep on reading. Instead of that, you can stream this release straight from the label (which is AF Music)'s bandcamp. There, you can also pre-order the CD in a limited edition of 100, and if you do so, you'll be able to download the audio files immediately. Release date for the CD is planned for March, 13 2012. Please note that streaming currently requires Flash.

(complete track listing is to be found below)

AF Music is a German label, with bands from various countries in the world, focusing on the Gothic, New Wave, Post Punk, Indie styles, mainly. This compilation gives a good snapshot of the kind of music they use to feature.

You may (or you may not) know that I like a lot what AF Music has to offer. I discovered this great label back in September 2011, and I must confess I did until now not find the time to wander enough on their website to discover just anything that is available. So then, such a compilation is just perfect to discover some of the excellent bands from this label.

And, I must add immediately, well, this compilation is HUGE ! Providing you like the styles the label uses to feature, which is not certain, but in any case I can say that the tracks on this release were carefully selected to make the listening experience a close-to-perfect thing.

I don't see any weak point in the track selection. All of them are likely to be enjoyed ; the curatorial work has been done consciously and no mistakes were made. The overall result is very coherent. I would especially recommend this compilation to people who love Siouxie And The Banshees, The Lords Of The New Church, The Cure, that kind of things. This can also be applied to the label as a whole, by the way.

If I had to determine what is my favourite track on this compilation, well, I would be pretty much in trouble. As I wrote just before, the selecting process was so carefully done that many if not any of the featured tracks are pure gems, definitively excellent tracks, and this is a kind of draw when trying to decide which is the best one, at least, according to me.

Even the tracks that are slightly below other ones, in my own taste, are already far better that most of songs that use to be released nowadays. And, talking about the best ones, they are so good... I don't know what I should add to make you consider seriously the idea of listening to this release.

As of per usual, AF Music perfectly achieved a great achievement in the field of excellence. I don't know how far this label will go, but I can say, and this, is definitively and absolutely true, that they already are far beyond the usual quality standards in the world of contemporary music.

And now, as promised, here's the complete tracklisting :

1. Principe Valiente - In My Arms 04:18
2. The Foreign Resort - Take A Walk 03:49
3. The Transisters - Confuse-a-cat 03:03
4. M!R!M - No Way 03:59
5. Winter Severity Index - The Wiser 03:46
6. Rhombus - Timeless And Elegant 05:05
7. Christine Plays Viola - Permutations 03:50
8. Legion (UK) - Collapse 03:59
9. The Knutz - Ghost Dance Party 04:49
10. Stromble Fix - Dragonfly 03:47
11. Shearer - Monument 03:13
12. Rebentisch - Befreien 04:07
13. (((S))) - Hole In My Heart 03:36
14. The Search - The Heart Is A Lonely Hunter 04:15
15. Emerald Park - At the Mall 02:49
16. Danish Daycare - A Purpose To My Sins 04:52
17. Tobias Borelius - Arkitekten 02:50
18. Deied - A Shell Full Of Scars 04:39
19. Eternal Nightmare - The Worst Day In History 04:14

You are still here ? Please, go back to the top of this message and use the link provided to give this release a listen.

ΑΛΓ - Schizophrenic Blues

Are you in a hurry ? Reading this review is not necessary. You can, instead of that, go to the release page on where you can stream and/or download this album, legally and for free.

This release is open-licensed. You can make copies for your friends.

ΑΛΓ (alpha lambda gamma) is a one man band, located in France, almost always singing in English, who mixes blues, rock and pop influence for a very interesting result. You may know, I like lo-fi releases. This one is not of this kind. It is really professionally recorded, produced and mastered. A thing that I can appreciate too, especially when the usual I-will-sound-louder-than-you tricks are not used ; and this is the case of this album. The production is subtle and very pleasant.

But this wouldn't be enough to have it featured here, because, as you may know. I use to review releases that struck me, releases that I like more than a lot, that I love beyond words. And, yes, this is this kind of release. Here's the few reasons that make me think that this album is exceptional. Yours may differ, but I am pretty sure you can enjoy this release too, whatever your reasons are.

First thing, the song-writing is really, really good. I will not try to explain how the magic operated, but it is here, for sure.

Second thing, the arrangements are over the top. Especially, ΑΛΓ is not afraid of using from time to time slightly out-of-sync riffs, and this is the kind of thing that deserves my respect. But outside this, we got here someone that is truly mastering the writing of arrangements that rocks. Just give the release a listen and you will understand what I mean.

Third thing, the performing is outstanding. Especially, vocals and guitar. When I say 'outstanding', I mean, just, plain 'outstanding'.

A last thing, I suppose that, when listening in a focused manner, you can detect a very light and very subtle subtle alternative/noisy rock touch in these songs. Well, the alt-rock thing is not that hard to notice, actually. The noisy thing is a bit more discreet. But the two things add a lot of value to the album.

I discovered the release a few hours back, with the song 'Christian Mess'. This song immediately triggered in my brain, at an unconscious level, the process of considering the idea of reviewing the release here. And a few hours later, the decision emerged clearly, I had to write a bit about this great album.

Some tracks on this release are made available to the audience through the (net ?)label 'guenille all stars', some other are self-released. This, said, to end this text on a purely factual note. So then, you know what you've got to do now. Scroll up to the top of this message, click on the link, and enjoy !

Feb 29, 2012

Gotch released a new song

We told you about the fact that it was likely to happen, and now this is the done : after a few months without releasing anything, Gotch is back with a brand new track, entitled "Return to the old peal". You can stream and download it, legally and for free, straight from

And, once again, Gotch is outstanding ! Mixing electronica and rock influences in his unique manner, alongside with his exceptional skill as a producer, what he issued today is simply beyond words... Bits of glitter, trip-hop, over-driven guitar, and a bass that is so loud and low... Just perfect ! I hope you'll enjoy this track as much as I do.

There's a possibility for more tracks to be published in the near future, so be sure to stay updated about this great, so great artist's work.

That was a week - Feb 18, 2012 to Feb 24, 2012

Ooooops... Deeply sorry, the weekly digest is showing up late. Nevertheless here we go :

The second issue of our paper archive is now available.

News sufaced about the following things :

There were a demoscene-related event in Paris recently, entitled 'Demo In Paris Live', with live music show from demoscene-related music artists.

François Corbier will be touring, almost exclusively in France, during the forthcoming months.

The following music projects got a release reviewed in our 'Reviews' section :

Panda Kid with "Scary Monster Juice" (garage)
Grand Pocket Orchestra with "Ronald & Sylma" (pop/rock)
Chris Brokaw with "I Ace Sociopathic King" (singer-songwriter, mainly rock with a bit of lofi)
Radiator Hospital/Fred Thomas with "Welcome To The Jungle" (split album, lofi rock and singer/songwriter, also a bit lofi)
Land Lovers with "Confidants" (pop/rock, once again)

And, last but not least, the late 80's debut release from Pixies, Come On Pilgrim, got reviewed in our 'More reviews' section.

Feb 23, 2012

Land Lovers - Confidants

Are you in a hurry ? In such case, you can stream this release in its entirety for free, and/or buy it as digital files or on audio CD, straight from the band, trough their Bandcamp page. But please, please, don't stop at the first track, which is a bit different from the other ones.

Do you know 'Teenage Kicks' ? This is a song from The Undertones, which was John Peel's all time favourite.

Well, this release makes me think of 'Teenage Kicks'. A bit more poppy, a bit. But the quality of the melodies and the energy is the same.

The band contacted me - nice, ain't it ? - I suppose this is because, for some reasons, they were thinking I could enjoy what they create. No need to say they hit the bull's eye. This album is insanely great.

Not only because it is very well produced, written and performed. Not only because its incredible blend of power and fragility. To be true I still don't know exactly why I like - love - it so much. But if an album deserves to be featured here (and, as a reminder, I for now review only albums and EPs that are, according to me, exceptional), 'Confidants' is this album. While listening to these eleven tracks, I knew I found something simply excellent.

The album was issued less than six months ago, back in 2011. And, according to the band's press release, he gathered not only very good reviews, but was also selected as the 'top 2011 album' of many, many bloggers. And I can understand why. Just because this is the kind of release that you - yes, you - should absolutely not sleep on. I know, it can seem a bit peremptory to write such a thing. But, while I actually don't know you, I suppose you didn't land on Underketing without reason. And theses reasons make me think that you are very likely to love this release as much as I do.

Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah. The album is playing in my headphones right now (because it's late at night, here, currently) and my opinion about it is strengthening each time I listen to it once more. 2012 is starting in a good way, I think. I discovered a few excellent releases since the beginning of the year, and this one is just making me think that this is only the beginning. While mainstream, established labels didn't release anything that I loved since the Spider And The Webs EP, and it was years ago, in the meanwhile the self-released, netlabel and micro-label scene is re-inventing music.

With true lovers of real good music such as Land Lovers to save us - I write this to express exactly what I want to express, they save us, from boredom, from lack of enthusiasm, from things like that - I now know there's still hope.

You know, I use to review strange, and often lofi things. This is not the case for this release. This release is a pure rock marvel, that will shine and emit its good vibes for the next few centuries. If not dozens of centuries. If not, even more than this. If you are looking for really good music, part poppy, with as well a lot of rock energy in it, you found something by coming here.

What do I have to mention, outside what I already said, about this album ? I like the vocals a lot. I can't wait until tomorrow in order to play it loud. I emailed my friends about it, and I still have many more people to email, just because I don't want them to live another day without having the opportunity to discover such an excellent piece of music. Also, this album is packed with dynamic, it is not flat, it is nuanced...

But I know I take a chance to become boring, simply listing the outstanding qualities of this release. Go give it a listen. Then you'll understand what I mean.

Feb 22, 2012

Pixies - Come On Pilgrim

Once again, we'll talk in the 'More reviews' section about a pretty much old release, that was issued in 1987 by indie label 4AD. Although it can be found on CD on its own, it was also published bundled with the next band's release, the full-length 'Surfer Rosa', which was also published without Come On Pilgrim. Seems complicated ? There's, Come On Pilgrim, there's, Surfer Rosa, and there's also Come On Pilgrim AND Surfer Rosa. Three different physical releases for two different records.

You may be able to find it on most major music platforms and at most record shops.

Come On Pilgrim is the debut release from Pixies. And, immediately, the band defined its own style that has influenced too much musicians to list them here. The most famous example is, for sure, Nirvana ; Kurt Cobain used to mention how much he loved Pixies each time he had an opportunity to do so.

Pixies' musician are, undoubtedly, very gifted. From incredible bass lines - you know, that kind of bass that often plays two notes per time, continuously, tadadada tadadada tadadada tadadada - to marvellous guitar riffs, from astounding drums to awesome rhythmic guitar, from a way to sing that came a de facto standard, talking about the lead vocals, to backing vocals that add so much values to the songs that I cannot imagine the tracks without them...

Only with this, the band was pretty much doomed to change deeply culture history. But besides this, the song writing is simply at the top. When I say at the top, I mean, hey, it properly redefined how songs can be written. The most visible part is the quiet-loud-quiet formula, but the more important for me is when the songs play with numbers... Loops after 12 times instead of the usual 16 as a quick example. Not to mention the melodies, the chords...

I used to listen to this band, after discovering them in the mid 90's (that is to say, after their split and before their comeback), continuously. It was a bit obsessive, I must confess. A common point with other release that already got featured in this section. Now, years later, I no longer listen to their records as much as before, but this is simply because I know them so well that I don't need to actually put the stereo on. These songs are in my head. And this band is still among my all-times favourites. I used to listen to it so often for more than 10 years, and the magic never vanished. Now I'm on a break, but who knows, maybe someday I'll start another 10 years Pixies-listening session.

Why do I write first about 'Come On Pilgrim', rather than any other of their releases, which are, absolutely without exception, masterpieces (including live ones) ?

Simply because Come On Pilgrim has been and currently is, my favourite Pixies release. It evolves from time to time. Sometime this is Surfer Rosa. Sometime this is Doolittle. Sometime this is Bossanova. And very often this is Come On Pilgrim.

This is probably due to the fact that the tracks on this EP are, well, just totally, insanely great. I especially love 'Levitate me', 'I've Been Tired', and 'Holiday Song'.

Well, I say EP, but there's actually 8 tracks on it, it can be defined as an album as well. An album that wouldn't be very long, but an album nevertheless.

I don't know what I should say to make you make yourself a favour and start to search for this release. I think the facts I listed above should be a sufficient reason for this to happen. If not, just let me add that any of my close IRL friends are Pixies fan. This is not just me. The quality of this band are so easy to see, that anyone, just after listening to the releases a bit, is very likely, not only to like, not only to love, but actually to become an hardcore fan.