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What can I say about this live show ? Probably one of the best I ever saw. L7 was perfect this evening, and this show was perfect. With a lot of punch, and, definitively, I am glad to have been there. The band was, properly speaking, hypnotising. I rarely met one who is on stage this way. The band, truly, was existing in front of us and this is an huge experience. I knew, maybe without being aware of it but at some levels I knew - that I was watching a show that I would still be speaking about years later. There were a very efficient thing that sneaked into the audio signal to turn the audience into pieces. This happened to me, this evening. The music ate me and left only bones.
I remember how my friends, at the show, expressed how good it was. At this time, many of the grunge-era band had gave up, and with L7 we were watching a band from a kind that was around less often than before, a band that we loved since several years ago. I remember clearly when L7 was touring in France in the early 90's, how I wanted to know more about this band. I remember the first time I heard a L7 song, how I knew that the big hopes I had about this band were turning to reality. And I remember the only time I saw them live, on this evening of year 2000, in this legendary venue, when the band definitively proved to me that their music is a major part in the soundtrack of my life.
The intensity of the band's set was beyond any limit, and I now know for sure that only a few band are able to do this. But L7 is among them. The kind of show that would alter me during it. The kind of show that would alter me forever. In the immediate days that followed it, if I can remember correctly - which is far to be sure - I used to say it was the best show I ever went to.
Now these years are gone, but I still can say that I was there and what being there could produce. For the ones who were around and remember, for the ones who weren't there but now would want to know. And what I have to say is : ROCKS !
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