Are you in a hurry ? This is, as of per usual, not a problem. You can start by downloading this release, legally and for free, thank to a small website that was called by its creators - I still wonder why - 'Jamendo'.
This release is open-licensed. You can make copies for your friends.
If you know me, I mean, if you are not here for the first time and read a few reviews I posted before, you may, maybe, know, that I like a lot these bands that are taking the best parts of the 90's grunge sound and turn it into something a bit different... 21th century grunge !
Well, ahem, the Hanover (Germany)-based Fragile New Virus is among this handful of bands. There's Fukked Up (they are German too, but you can find them in the Leer area), there's Human Gaps (these ones are from south of France), there's, in some aspects, Desperadow (from Ireland)... All of them got reviewed here. There's many more who are probably good enough for me to write about them while I still don't know them... But if you start with the few ones I just mentioned, you will have a pretty much accurate idea of how alive is the 21th century grunge scene.
You know, I use to review here good releases only. And FNV's one definitively fall into this category. I've been harassing them for months in order to airplay some of their tunes - it was a failure, I must confess - but another thing I can do without having to trouble these great artists with my silly requests is to review their EP here.
Just because, this is not only a great EP. This is one of the greatest EPs to have surfaced since so long that I cannot clearly remember.
These four tracks are simply the best any band can do. They are straightforward and subtle in the same time. They are melodic and noisy. They'll make you feel like a kid on a XMas morning, discovering the gifts. And if you do not celebrate XMas, you still know what I want to express.
The sad point, if any, is that this awesome band did not release much. There's a possibility for you to change this : share their album link ! If they see their download counter explode - providing they take a look at it from time to time - maybe it will give them the motivation to put online a few more tracks.
But, actually, a band does not need to release half a zillion of tracks in order to be interesting. And FNV is far, far, more than interesting. FNV is simply the kind of music project that will make you think 'oh yeah I finally found them ! '.
To use a sentence that applies to many if not any of the releases I review here - since, you know what it is, I don't want to use my precious time to tell the world that I don't like such or such release, I prefer to use my keystrokes to spread the word about real great bands - this EP is just like a milestone in history of music. No doubt that, if the planet is still around, this EP's fame will grow bigger and bigger on a cosmic scale during the forthcoming centuries.
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