Are you in a hurry ? No need to read further. Instead of that, do yourself a favour and stream and/or download (legally and for free) this release from Jamendo. And maybe later you will want to buy this EP on one of the wonderful handmade CD that are currently available trough the Deathrokk record label. [Update Feb 9, 2012 : For those wanting a lossless version of this EP but not wanting the CD, it can be bought as files on Bandcamp]
This release is open-licensed. You can make copies for your friends.
Fukked Up's debut. Nothing more, nothing less. But be aware of the fact that with this EP, this Germany-based grunge-influenced band put himself in high orbit. And they are not likely to come back.
You know, nowadays, with the internet thing and so on, things happen more than very quickly : they happen in real time. I don't know how the fame of this band will stop, but, actually, since this EP was initially released back in 2010, something is, to be true, happening : they are considered as one of the best band currently around by more and more people. Maybe actually not that much people, but I am among them. Simply because Fukked Up is bright. They took the good ol' grunge spirit, they put it boiling, until it reduced to its purest incarnation. Then, they added something different to it, and the result is strong marvels, that will resonate across centuries as what human being can do at their best, if they got a bit of motivation.
Just because, Fukked Up is motivated. I wouldn't want to betray the intention of the band's members, but I would say, these guys WANT something. I don't know if they know what they want actually, but I'm pretty much sure they are gonna get it. And in the meanwhile, as a side effect of their will, which is maybe simply to record good songs and publish them, we, as listeners, we have the opportunity to encounter albums that are simply among the greatest that we may find.
Fukked Up DIY ethic is at the centre of their approach of music. They run their own label, they makes CDs and clothing by themselves, and, they record, produce and master their releases on their own, using free software in the process, and all this, for which result, I ask you ? Just in order you have something a bit more appealing than the usual crap to listen to.
The four tracks on this EP are, each and any of them, excellent. No need to say, when my path crossed this EP, I knew I found something huge. Later, with the next full-length, Fukked Up showed up to the world that they were not going to give up. No need to say that I was waiting for this full length very impatiently... It has been reviewed previously on this blog.
But, even after this, I was still listening to the debut EP. Because this EP is capturing the initial intention of the band, and this intention is highly valuable. Then, if you have the littlest interest in the opinion I may have on such or such release, I would suggest you give a listen to the both release. They are equally really interesting recordings, that anyone is able to enjoy... Maybe you are a bit too young, or too old, to dig the grunge style completely. But even in this case, please, consider seriously the idea of giving this band a listen... Just because, this is only the beginning, and later, you'll be able to proudly say 'I know them since (insert random date here)'.
Because the band is going farer and farer. I am an extraordinary lucky guy, and according to this, I had the opportunity, in the past few months, to listen in a very exclusive manner to some unreleased material - to be true, I already know some songs that will be put in the next full length due to this band.
That's why I say, this is only the beginning. Fukked Up is sharpening its blade, be aware of this. You'll know, if you listen to this EP and to the album that came next, that, from the beginning, they started at a very high level of competency and talent. And, well, to sum up, they are getting still even better. When you know how good they already are, don't be surprised if someday you wake up and discover they ate the music world for their breakfast.
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