Sep 9, 2012

Human Gaps - Three Titles

Are you in a hurry ? This album is available straight from Jamendo, for free streaming and legal and free download. Beside this, it is also open-licensed, you can make copies for your friends among other things.

Well, my friends, we are talking about a new Human Gaps EP ! Which is, for sure, a surprise, and a great one.

Human Gaps issued "1st Step" back in 2008, I discovered the band a little while after this, and immediately knew we were talking about something serious, since, you know, this EP struck me like a lighting, I'm serious, it is awesome...

Some outtakes of the epoch leaked to Myspace, and the band was kind enough to allow me to provide them on Wumzle Radio, on air and for free download.

But, hey, today, 4 years after their debut EP, they are back, and, wow, that's really great.

The band already has a sure talent for songwriting, in a very emotional way. Add to this a perfect way to perform, especially at the vocal level, and a well-made production, and you understood why a new EP from this band is such a great news.

To sum up : the band is even better than before. Their songwriting and performing skill increased with an higher-than-high magnitude. I cannot tell how much the three titles of this new EP are absolute marvels, perfect songs that you should definitively add to your daily life's playlist.

Ok, I'm not clear enough ? Think of Josh Woodward that would decide to write a grunge EP, it will give you an idea of the level of songwriting skill used for this release.

The production is perfectly ok for me. Simple, straightforward, if you like this kind of sound you may appreciate how this EP was recorded. The first one sounds a bit more, ahem, you know, 'Loud', and the new one is much more subtle, I would say the band improved its skill for this too.

As a conclusion : go on ! You got a milestone in history of music waiting for you, available for free to anyone, and I'm pretty much sure you will love this EP... Providing you are not afraid by a (very, very, very) slight post-rock touch added into your grunge cocktail.

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