May 11, 2012

Clathrus - Balaklava Boating

Hi. No time to waste ? You can stream for free, buy digitally, buy physically on tape (limited edition) this album from the label's Bandcamp. The label being Steak Au Zoo Records.

Got time to waste reading the whole paper ? Ok, let's continue.

You know how it goes, nowadays, many people are very solicited, continuously, by new music that wants to be discovered. The sad point being that, the most interesting music is sometimes not the one that will solicit you the most.

When I give a listen to something, the very first seconds are very important to me. In these very first seconds, I can have a preview of how the whole album will be, and I became over time a little experienced about this. And, while listening to the very first seconds of "Balaklava Boating", I knew I would write about it for Underketing.

Just because, in the very first seconds of listening, this release made me think of Sultor Nacle - an you know how much I am a Sultor Nacle fan, so this is for sure a good starting point. But wait, summing up the whole thing by saying "it sounds like Sultor Nacle" would be a big mistake, because the Clathrus project is doing things in its own way. To be true, what I would say more accurately is that some parts of Clathrus' music made me think of some parts of Sultor Nacle's work.

The comparison can be useful when talking about the production. While talking about it, Sultor Nacle's "Album No 1" sound a bit more rough than "Balaklava Boating", but there's many things in common in the way both albums has been produced.

Nevertheless, this comparison can only help to give you a basic idea about how good is this album. It has many qualities, and definitively deserves a listen. I especially liked the use of very vintage synth sounds on some tracks, or the quick slow downs/fast forwards that reminded me when I was playing with the speed control button of my 4-tracks tape recorder in the late 90's.

Showing a great sense of masterfulness in electronic music writing and producing, the release is pretty much good. I liked listening to it, just like I like spreading the word about it right now. Yes, this is experimental thing, but not that much, and the overall result is pretty much equilibrated, and this makes me thing that I have to listen a bit more to what is produced around the world nowadays, because I think the music scene, generally speaking, is evolving in the good direction, and that we get and will get more and more quality albums over time. I wouldn't always have said that ; a few time back the new music published in the world seemed doomed to become less and less interesting, but thanks to netlabels, microlabels and self-releasing artists, the trend is now for even better quality, continuously.

And this album is definitively the kind of quality albums that are released during the current period. So I would say, don't miss it, give it a listen, you are given an opportunity to discover a great album, I wouldn't have written about if it was not the case.

Oh, you are still reading, and did not scroll back to the top of the page in order to access the release ? It means I have now to display all my competency as a reviewer to make you stop reading and start to listen. But I don't know what I can say, now. I told you this release makes me thing of one of my favourite electronic music producer, I told you it was for sure a quality album, what can I add ? This is an excellent album. Go listen to it now, please.

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