Mar 18, 2013

Of Hard Rock, and Fukked Up, and Cafe, and mice

Please note that Cafe, once spelled Café, means Coffee, which also means Kawa, and, luckily enough,

-I'm currently busy, drinking coffee on Monday's morning, I like happy Mondays, I don't especially hate anything while I drink coffee in the morning

-After months of what wouldn't be cleverly called a hiatus, the people of mice is back where I am currently. One of its members has been seen around, it started a few weeks ago. I'm so delighted of this that yesterday I provided him, or her, with a cumbersome (for a mouse) quantity of feta cheese

And then, now I'm writing, and, this is also true, it's now time to stop writing, and to go fill another mug (be sure that the coffee here is relatively lightly caffeine-loaded according to the standards of most countries).

"An armored vehicle is slower than a formula one, and then it is more difficult to stop one"

(Sun Tzu, A short example on how to apply the lesson from The Art Of War when you are a musician, on Sun Tzu's blog)
(please note that since blogs, at this time, were seen at less important than books, it is now much harder to fine quote from blogs of this time, than from books)

Just to sum up a bit, when I started writing for Underketing about one year ago, the aims were  :

-to make sure that there would be a somehow more central place for my little music review hobby that wasted some of my time since a few years back
-to promote myself, by talking about my favorite music projects (and this point is very important, since most of them will be featured in the Rock'n'Roll Hall of Fame, including field recording remixer's projects, before the current nanosecond ends)

Also, I didn't want to waist time looking for what had already been written, and I wanted to write honestly, so I started by machinegun-style posting reviews for any good record I could remember. The honest part of the thing resides in the idea that with less time to think, I wouldn't have enough time to counterfeit my feeling.

At this time, among the bands featured, was Fukked Up :

"(...)don't be surprised if someday you wake up and discover they ate the music world for their breakfast."

(taken from These Guys Are review final sentence)

A random thing that cross my mind now, is that it would be useful to mention that after issuing their newest release in mid-2012, their band-owned and operated label's website blew up, maybe due to poor hardware at the commercial hosting facilities they use, while everything was ready for (as of per usual) free download and (as of per usual) very cheap and high quality physical sound-carrying devices distribution.

Do I need to quote Sun Tzu once again ?

There, for the "hard rock" part of the title of this post :

I can now start to drink the coffee in the mug. The coffee should be quite cool, I like it like that.

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