Dec 30, 2012

Top (insert a rude word here) sounds for 2012, according to the infamous Underketing cooking recipes blog

Ok, ladies and gentlemen, and also all our little tots not able to read this,

I just landed on a list of lists, put online, and this is great. Which caused my brain to work a bit, for once, and I decided to put a list online.

In order to promote myself, for my intention you can be sure (I'm kidding, here).

Here's the

Top (insert a rude word here) sounds for 2012, according to the infamous Underketing cooking recipes blog

  1. The award of the Sound of the year belongs to Desperadow for the album "I Found God". I won't go check when it was issued, I don't care, this is my year, this is my list. Just checked, it was released in summer 2010. Desperadow is an Irish one-man-band that released this gem through DIY label Long Lost Records. 
  2. The number 2 is for this band named The #1s for the song "I Wish I Was Lonely" found through the third issue of Popical Island eponymous compilations. 
  3. The number 3 is for Matmix's cover of a Gorbie's Stuff song, "Somethin". Just because, you know,
    When I was young
    I was in a band
    We didn't care
    About the fame
  4. Then, the fourth goes to Panda Kid for their recorded-in-a-cellar great achievement that can be spotted in their song Icecream. Italian band. 
  5. And the men is five... And Ich habe ein Fünf for Fukked Up, German grunge band singing in English, for the track "Life Goes On" on their 2012 release "Everything Is Fine". 
  6. The sixth is for No Monster Club, they deserve to be the first, but I don't want you to think that this blog is just a mean to promote my favorite band, do I ? For the "La La Land" tune. 
  7. And to put a definitive end to any list in History, I would like to say that seven is "Stop Stop" by The Black Keys

Dec 29, 2012

Lie Ins - Death To Lie Ins

Hi, hi,

Ok, I'm not gonzo, but when the first notes traveled trough the atmosphere to my brain, I knew I had to do something somehow different, for once, as of per usual.

Yeah, cause, Popical Island Irish band collective was kind enough to give me means to listen to a release planned for... February. Well, OK, February 2nd, but, ain't it fun, it's February nevertheless.

Ok, just as I'm quick when typing, the songs are shorts. The first one is already finished and the second one is now on, it's somehow sounding (for a dull boy like me) sort of... Oh, no, it's already over.

Mmm. For now, this is plain excellent stuff. Exactly what I like the best in the contemporary underground quality music mafia, for which Ireland is sort of epicenter.

Ok, third song going on. Still very well-made pop, with pure rock'n'roll spirit, cheesy like hell, and it's f*cki*g awesome. In a definitive post-post-modern way, well, oh, Lord, I like this sound.

You like alikes ? Panda Kid, maybe ? Think less fuzz but same spirit. Obsession for golden age in the most insignificant aspects, definitively something I admire,  and oh, we got a problem, here's a grunge-influenced pogo-inducing pop-song, well, Pixies meet No Monster Club meeting Pixies, ooops, I should shut my big mouth now.

I strike again.

Yeah, well, nice production. The one for such drums. Oh, No Monster Club-esque lalalala choirs. End of song on an analog noise.

I Hide My Love In Evening Time. Pumping up the volume. Seems Ronald & Sylma are onboard. Well, I guess this band is not outside where it belongs.

Oh yeah, Thunders and The Heartbreakers playing some pop. Hmm, I more and more think we have something somehow serious in the way this band is inducing fun inside the paper of the one who heroically took the decision. The review writing decision.

Mmm, a guitar solo would kill me now. I guess there won't be one.

Awkward. Funny. Beyond words. Not for me. Beyond my usual words, I must admit.

Wow. Wow. Wowowow. "So nice", the song just said. And my heart broke. Once more. Quite usual when I listen to such good music. Which happens all the time, hey, read this blog, I listen exclusively to excellent music. No, I am not megalomaniac. You, are short minded.

Ok, not kidding anymore. Word.

Oh yeah, come on guitar hero. Now I'm talking from beyond grave.

I shall abide until
I am spoken for
If it be your will

To sum up... Yeah, I can sum up now, since I said I'm buried now, and since, as for many dead people, I cannot talk.

To sum up then... Now that the last song of the release is about to end...

This band is eclectic. Mostly fast rock'n'roll with an honest and direct poppy sound, also emotional tracks. Greatly driven, the way it's performed, the way it's recorded, the way it's, last but not least, written and composed. I couldn't have got a better release to put an end to the 2012 year here. The year reviews started to be available here on Underketing. Just in case you hadn't noticed, were only reviewed here the best bits of music currently available, just sayin'

And now for something completely different

DIY Packaging manufacturing process (courtesy of Popical Island)

You can download for free here... After Feb, 2 of the expected as great year 2013 : ; and you may be able to pre-order the CD shortly, still there, too. For now there nothing to see on this page. Put a note on any day of your calendar saying "Go Check Lie Ins Or Buy Another Dog".

Dec 22, 2012

Where is Underketing now ? is no longer reachable, no longer online, currently returns/display an ERROR page.

Because Undeketing shall and will no longer pay for its own domain name. This, mean the new address of the blog is

Thank you for what you can guess about why I wrote Thank You.